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  4. Colombia's Customs Regulations
01-5月-2009 | 12:00
Colombia's Customs Regulations
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01-5月-2009 | 12:00
Colombia's Customs Regulations

Please note item 4 – instead of FCL / LCL, our bs/l will read CY/CFS accordingly.


Pls be informed as of 01st May / 2009 , all Bills of Ladings issued for shipments to Colombia must contain, at least, following information:

1.Complete Shipper`s information : name, address and Country.
2.Consignee`s name and identification number (NIT : company or CC: natural people).
3.Type, number and date of transport documents, specyfing whether it`s a master or house's bill.
4.Terms: If it is FCL/FCL – LCL/FCL – FCL/LCL or LCL/LCL.
5.Shipment`s disposition after be discharged: Direct delivery, DTA, OTM or customs deposit/free zone.
6.Complete details of goods: Weight, volume (optional), and number of pieces
7.If goods are raw chemical products than can be used to narcotics like: Lysergic acid, Nacetilantranylic acid, Acetic Anhydride, Ephedrine, Ergometrine, Ergotamine, 1-Phenyl-2-propanone, Isosafrole, Methylene dioxyphenyl-2-propanone, Norephedrine, Potassium permanganate, Piperonal, Safrole, Pseudoephedrine, Acetone, Anthranilic acid, Hydrochloric acid, Phenylacetic acid, Sulfuric acid, Ethyl ether, Methylethylcetone, Piperidine, Toluene, and all its derivatives.
8.If they`re dangerous goods , please include IMO /UN details and and contact`s name /phone of people in charge (optional).
9.No generic descriptions of goods are accepted like "dangerous goods", "plastic goods" or "miscellaneous" (it`s compulsory include complete details).
10.Include break down freight charges in USD (optional).
11.Complete container`s information: Number, weight, size, type and seal number.
12."Container" word, won`t be accepted like cargo unit.