- Homepage
- Ajuda
Whether you're a first-time shipper or an old hand, we're here to guide you through the dynamic world of international shipping, making your voyage as smooth as possible.
Check our detailed information regarding our Shipping Containers here.
As always, if you still have unanswered questions, don’t hesitate to contact a ZIM representative.
Legal information
- Termos e condições de cotação
- Termos de confirmação de reserva
- Termos e Condições para Conhecimento de Embarque (B/L)
- Registered Users Terms and Conditions for Use of “eZIM”
- Termos e Condições de Cotação eZ (fácil) eZ Quote
- carta de porte marítimo
- APPENDIX I - Expedited Service Guarantee
- B/L General Information
Website-supporting information
Cargo Services
jan. 01, 0001
Carga Seca
Whether you're shipping ceramic kittens or football jerseys, toilet paper or big-screen TVs, our shipshape containers are always ready to accommodate your needs. -
jan. 01, 0001
Carga Refrigerada
ZIM's experienced professional team provides personal support, carefully analyzing and overseeing the needs of each cargo.