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  3. eZIM

We believe working with us should be effortless, allowing you to focus on what truly matters. With eZIM, you can quickly book and complete your shipping instructions online, at any time.

PBOC Shareinputs
PBOC Shareinputs

Quick and Easy Registration

Ezim Fast Approval
Ezim Fast Approval

Fast Booking Submissions

Ezim Easy Shipping 02
Ezim Easy Shipping 02

Simplified Shipping Instructions Form

Ezim Autocomplete List 01
Ezim Autocomplete List 01

Auto-Complete Commodity Codes

Ezim Manage Counterparties
Ezim Manage Counterparties

Contact Management for Counterparties

ESG Social
ESG Social

Dedicated Personal Support

Complete your bookings in an instant and get fast approval.

Designed to streamline your business with ZIM, eZIM offers numerous features that make managing your bookings quick and hassle-free.

Experience the difference from your very next booking!

All you need to know about eZIM

eZIM is an independent platform that will require you to register for it separately, with its own username and password

Yes. Please enter "To order" in the company name field and enter a space in every other mandatory field of the contact

Yes. Please select "add another reference" at the top of the booking details page and select "Export Customs Reference"

Our live chat agents are trained to support you and resolve error messages to enable you to submit your booking / SI. The live chat button is available within the application.

Yes, you need to select the payment term prepaid or collect in booking and SI stage

Under GDPR legislation, ZIM is not the owner of your Customers' Personally Identifiable Information (PII). This means that only an authorized Customer representative can instruct the ZIM team to process a GDPR Request

eZIM is ZIM’s E-Commerce platform, where Customers can place their Bookings and upload their Shipping Instructions. Using eZIM, Customers can easily submit and manage their orders with ZIM.

The Customer need to provide their contact details, the company’s name and address, and VAT Registration number, or Tax ID in specific countries.

Check out this short introductory movie for the registration process.

If you are unable to log in, your registration may still be pending confirmation by your ZIM agency. If ZIM requires more information from you to complete your registration, we will contact you as soon as possible.

We offer submission of eBookings, eShipping Instructions, managing your contact list and more!

Assuming you were approved to register, your country’s origins are available.
All destinations, supported by ZIM, as listed on the ZIM website, are supported.

Currently containers include 20’ standard, 40’ standard, 40’ high cube, 20’ reefers, and 40’ reefers.

You can book as early as 4 weeks before the expected vessel departure. The latest you can book is up to 1 day prior to expected vessel departure.

Yes. It is mandatory for you to include the Contract or Quote number when the Booking is created, and Shipping instructions are sent.

Yes. eZIM includes a Commodity Code / Description lookup to easily help you find the required commodities for error-free submission.
The commodity information is mandatory for the Shipping Instructions and Bookings to US destinations.

Yes. You are limited to 99 containers per booking.

Yes. Agreed credit terms will apply to your orders through eZIM.

Once you place an order, you should receive the Booking Confirmation within 1 hours, or less, during standard working days and hours (08:00-18:00).

The confirmation will include your booking number and equipment pick-up locations. We will ensure that the goods are shipped at the port of loading.

Booking amendments, including adding or removing the number of containers, adding or removing container types, change of destination, are handled only via email and not through the eZIM platform.

Yes, there is feature called “Notes”. In fact, Customers must use notes for Pick and Return of Container(s) and anything else that is important to state, such as Free time for Demurrage, other references, etc.

This should be handled by sending an email to the Booking Office. You will receive a written Booking Cancellation form via email.

Yes. you can submit your Shipping Instructions, and view them at any time in the system.

Check out this short movie for the Shipping Instructions process.

You can always communicate with one of our customer advisors using the live chat button on the bottom of the application during standard working hours (08:00-18:00).

Yes, you can follow the journey of your shipment and key events are presented on your dashboard.
You will also be notified regarding the progress via email notifications.

Yes. You may copy a complete booking or only specific information by selecting "copy booking" in one of your previous bookings on your dashboard

In order to see and/or mutually work on shipments with your colleagues, you need to use the team option on eZIM.

Check out this short introductional movie below at the bottom of this page.

If you are unable to find a route, which is available on ZIM.com, please reach out to our chat team and we will ensure to update eZIM soonest.

Yes. You can change your account details in the corresponding tab in the settings. The settings are at the top of the page.

At present it is only possible to submit Shipping Instructions for bookings placed via eZIM

Please reach out to your local Customer Service Team to the booking reconfirmed with the correct amount of container.

All you need to know about eZIM